Upcoming Events:

Scout Sunday - Sun., Feb 2, 10:45a-12:15p
Meet at SJD by 10:45a for photo on church steps.
Church service starts at 11:15a.

Meeting of the Pack Committee - Thu, Feb 6, 8:00p-9:00p
Via Zoom.  Check Pack newsletter for Zoom invitation.
All P-55 parents are welcome to participate in this meeting.

Pinewood Derby - Sat., Feb 22, 8:00a-12:30p (rescheduled from Feb 8)
Held in the SJD gym and Sumners Hall. 
No pre-registration required, but all cars must be inspected
and checked-in on Fri, Feb 21, between 5:00p and 9:00p.
Volunteers are needed for set-up on Friday evening,
during the races on Saturday, and for
clean-up after the races on Saturday.

Pack Meeting - Thu, Feb 27, 6:30p-7:30p (rescheduled from Feb 20)
Held in Scout Room at SJD.
Cub Scouts should wear their
uniforms and arrive by 6:30p.

Meeting of the Pack Committee - Thu, Mar 6, 8:00p-9:00p


Joining Pack 55

Pack 55 welcomes boys and girls in Kindergarten through 5th grade.  In Cub Scouts, the den is the key organizational unit.  Each den has scouts of the same school grade, and each den usually has 6 to 12 youth members.  Pack 55 has dens with boys only, and dens with girls only.  The dens meet separately, usually once or twice each month.  Once each month, all of the dens come together for the Pack Meeting at SJD.  At campouts, each den camps separately, so the girl dens and the boy dens are camping is separate areas, but they all come together for campfires and other pack-wide activities.

Families who wish to join Pack 55 should contact the Cubmaster, Pack Committee Chair or the Registrar.  New families are also invited to attend one of the monthly Pack Meetings.


Frequently Asked
This document answers many of the questions that families ask about
    Pack 55, camping, advancement and about Cub Scouting in general.
Click here for answers to frequently asked questions.